
Jonayed Khan

619 Scott Boulevard, Milton, ON, L9T 0P4, Canada


  1. R
    November 22, 2024

    A desperate individual when he wants someone to move in his property. Loves sweet talking. Takes a damage deposit (illegal). Gets irritated when needs to do repairs, doesn’t paint or fix up the place before new tenants move in. No communication except for wanting rent. Then calls (never messages or emails) to meet during the 10th or 11th month for “coffee”. Talks about his mortgage and family issues, then wants an illegal rent increase trying to manipulate tenants.

    Lies about being on the landlord board in Ontario.

    Blames tenants for existing paint and scuffs that he doesn’t repair to keep the damage deposit.

    Know your rights before you deal with this slumlord. Acts naive and wants you to sign an N11 saying it is the right form (for him moving in his family). Pathological liar to say the least.

    Works for astra zeneca as an accountant (so thinks he’s a big shot undermining other people’s intelligence).

    Owns multiple properties and does the same thing there.

    Keep away from this guy. He gives landlords and Canadians a bad name.
